Mood elevating drugs usually no good Online – International News Network, Pakistan – 4 hours ago For instance, "new generation" antidepressants like Prozac, prescribed for clinical depression, do not help the majority of morose people, according to a … |
Talking Back To Prozac CBS News, NY – Feb 25, 2008 By Kevin Drum (Political Animal) TALKING BACK TO PROZAC….A new meta-study conducted by Irving Kirsch of Hull University and five American and Canadian … |
Depression drugs don’t work, finds data review Times Online, UK – Feb 26, 2008 … by Professor Kirsch examined the clinical trials submitted to gain licences for four commonly used SSRIs, including fluoxetine (better known as Prozac), … |
Professor defends anti-depressant study ABC Online, Australia – Feb 26, 2008 The study – the first to include unpublished evidence from the major drug companies – was co-authored by Professor Irving Kirsch from the Department of … |
Depression drugs 'little better than Sydney Morning Herald, Australia – Feb 26, 2008 … looked at Prozac, Seroxat, Effexor and Serzone and found the drugs were only better than a placebo for some people with severe depression. Kirsch's team … |
Drug funding agency looks at Prozac findings Radio New Zealand, New Zealand – Feb 26, 2008 Lead researcher Professor Irving Kirsch said: "The difference in improvement between patients taking placebos and patients taking anti-depressants is not … |
Prozac 'no better than placebos' The Press Association – Feb 25, 2008 A group of experts, led by Professor Irving Kirsch, from the Department of Psychology at the University of Hull, analysed 47 clinical trials using data … |
Depressives and docs look at life after Prozac Daily News & Analysis, India – Feb 27, 2008 Now a new meta study, conducted by Irving Kirsch of Hull University, is threatening to topple Prozac from its happy perch. The researchers have concluded … |
Q and A: Do antidepressants work? Chemistry World, UK – Feb 26, 2008 A widely-reported analysis of clinical trial data for Prozac and related antidepressant drugs has claimed that the medicines work little better than … |
 The Sun | Prozac pills 'do not work' The Sun, UK – Feb 25, 2008 Study leader Professor Irving Kirsch said: ”This raises serious issues surrounding drug licensing. ”The difference in improvement between patients taking … |
Study Casts Doubt on Anti-depressants Christian Broadcasting Network, VA – Feb 27, 2008 The drugs included fluoxetine (Prozac), venlafaxine (Efexor), and Paroxetine (Seroxat). All belong to a family of drugs known as Selective Serotonin … |
 NHS Choices | Antidepressants "don't work" NHS Choices, UK – Feb 26, 2008 Professor Irving Kirsch, the study’s main author, emphasises in the newspaper reports that patients should not change their treatment without speaking to … |
A bitter pill Guardian Unlimited, UK – Feb 26, 2008 "Given these results", Professor Kirsch of Hull University says, "there seems little reason to prescribe antidepressant medication to any but the most … |
Depression drugs 'do not work', Australia – Feb 26, 2008 By Adam Cresswell NEW-GENERATION antidepressants, including the "happy pill" Prozac, may be no better at relieving the symptoms of depression than a dummy … |
Antidepressants ineffective: study Sydney Morning Herald, Australia – Feb 26, 2008 The study, which used research on drugs, including Prozac, Efexor and Aropax, that drug firms had not previously released, has been applauded by experts for … |
Antidepressants Hardly Help TIME – Feb 26, 2008 Researchers from the UK, US and Canada analyzed results for fluoxetine (better known by the brand name Prozac), venlafaxine (Effexor), nefazodone (Serzone) … |
Study casts doubt over anti-depressants ABC Online, Australia – Feb 26, 2008 LISA MILLAR: The report's author, Professor Irving Kirsch of the University of Hull, says his results suggest there's little reason to prescribe … |
 The Sun | When the drugs work The Sun, UK – Feb 27, 2008 They found that drugs including Prozac are no better than placebos for patients with mild to moderate depression. Professor Irving Kirsch, who led the study … |
Anti-depressants 'no better than dummy pills', United Kingdom – Feb 25, 2008 … including Prozac, Efexor and Seroxat. Prof Kirsch said patients taking the drugs did improve, but so did those on a placebo – showing most of the effect … |
Clegg calls for more therapists ePolitix, UK – Feb 27, 2008 Nick Clegg has called for more investment in talking therapies after new research found there was no evidence that drugs such as Prozac benefitted people … |
'Anti-depressants not of much use' Times of India, India – Feb 26, 2008 NEW DELHI: Prozac, the world's most commonly popped anti-depressant, taken by 40 million people worldwide, does not actually help improve your mood. … |
Anti-depressants not much of a help, Thailand – Feb 25, 2008 ”The difference in improvement between patients taking placebos and patients taking anti-depressants is not very great, BBC quoted Professor Irving Kirsch, … | | | Psychiatrists Not Too Down on Prozac, Washington – Feb 27, 2008 The South African Society of Psychiatrists (Sasop) has reacted cautiously to a study showing that new-generation antidepressants such as Prozac do not work … |
Antidepressants no better than placebos: study, Canada – Feb 26, 2008 Antidepressant medications appear to help only severely depressed people, a new analysis has found. For most patients, the medications work no better than … |
Hidden data 'shows antidepressants hyped' ABC Science Online, Australia – Feb 26, 2008 Researchers used US freedom of information laws to learn details of unpublished drug trials, then combined these results with those already publicly … |
Antidepressant effectiveness doubted TVNZ, New Zealand – Feb 26, 2008 Antidepressant medications appear to help only very severely depressed people and work no better than placebos in many patients, British researchers have … |
Study Shows Antidepressants Not Effective WLNS, MI – Feb 28, 2008 A recent study says new-generation antidepressants have little effect on most patients. Researchers studied drugs like Prozac, Effexor and Seroxat. … |
Antidepressants: Are They Necessary? Ivanhoe, FL – Feb 27, 2008 (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Antidepressant medications like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft have become almost as common as bread and butter — but are depression rates … |
Antidepressants No Better Than Placebo? WebMD – Feb 27, 2008 By Salynn Boyles Feb. 27, 2008 — A study suggesting the widely prescribed antidepressantsProzac, Paxil, and Effexor work no better than placebo for most … |
The Problem with Prozac Science Magazine (subscription) – Feb 27, 2008 By Martin Enserink Antidepressants of the ”Prozac generation” have been hailed as miracle drugs and they're a multibillion-dollar boon to the pharmaceutical … |
Prozac nation under siege, NY – Feb 26, 2008 by nadia croes / metro new york Millions of depressed people might have a reason to feel even worse: They could be taking a medication to treat their … |
Antidepressants not effective as thought United Press International – Feb 26, 2008 HULL, England, Feb. 26 (UPI) — Antidepressants, such as Prozac, are prescribed for clinical depression, but may not be as effective as believed, … |
Mood elevating drugs usually no good, India – Feb 26, 2008 New York, Feb 27 (IANS) The pill popping depressive might find that they do little to ease his condition, unless he is in a very severe state of depression. … |
Antidepressants no better than placebos Xinhua, China – Feb 26, 2008 BEIJING, Feb. 27 (Xinhuanet) — A new British study suggested that antidepressants may not be as effective as believed because they appear to help only … |
Hope from a pill Economist, UK – Feb 28, 2008 ANTIDEPRESSANTS have long been the source of controversy. Amphetamines were widely used as an antidote to neurotic depression into the 1960s, … |
Are Antidepressants Faith-Based Treatment? AlterNet, CA – Feb 28, 2008 By Bruce E. Levine, AlterNet. Posted February 28, 2008. While millions of people swear by Prozac, Zoloft, and other antidepressants, do they work any better … |
The Drugs Don't Work – Or Do They? (subscription), UK – Feb 27, 2008 One in six people suffer from some sort of clinical depression during their lifetimes. They will therefore have been distressed to learn about this paper in … |
Reporting On The Benefit Of Antidepressants , UK Medical News Today (press release), UK – 10 hours ago In the last few days there has been widespread media coverage questioning the effect of antidepressant drugs, following the results of a study published in … |
Antidepressants don't work? How depressing! Montreal Gazette, Canada – 13 hours ago At least as depressing as the news that antidepressants don't work on most patients is how much money Canadians have been throwing away on these apparently … |
What the Media Misses About Antidepressants Huffington Post, NY – Feb 27, 2008 A new meta-analysis of research on modern antidepressants– some of it unpublished by the drug companies– suggests that the drugs have little advantage … |
 | Antidepressants not effective for all PRESS TV, Iran – Feb 27, 2008 Scientists have claimed that modern antidepressant medications are only effective in a small group of extremely depressed individuals. … |
Kanon. Det ligget mycket i detta, men det är inte riktigt sant att antidepressiva inte fungerar, för det gör de- men bara hos de med SVÅR depression. Det är dock en rejäl skillnad mellan svår depression/melankoli och ”vanlig” depression!
Tex. fluoxetin och sertralin skrivs ut till höger och vänster, ofta till barn. Se det mot bakgrunden att jag känner en som är så deprimerad att det orsakar något som närmast kan liknas förlamningar. Antidepressiva är det enda som får denne att komma upp ur rullstolen- vad är nu detta? Använder man inte dessa preparat på barn som känner sig lite ”utanför” i skolan också?
Det är fasansfullt att samma preparat skrivs ut till varenda deprimerad idag, och till och med till BARN på 12-13 år på de mest lösaktiga grunder! Har man ens utrett de långsiktiga följderna av behandlingarna? Ingen kan säga hur preparaten påverkat hjärnan på en 50-åring som tagit sådan här ”medicin” i 20 år..
Jag tycker att hela diagnosen depression ska ses över, och att förskrivningen av dessa ”mediciner” ska blir så strikt kontrollerad som det bara kan gå. Men det kommer väl aldrig att hända, nu när man i stort sett gett upp individuell samtalsterapi (dvs. det som verkligen hjälper eftersom det behandlar orsaken)… Varför är ”vården” inställd på passivisering idag? Det var den VERKLIGEN inte förr på samma sätt alls.
Gjorde dessutom en intressant upptäckt idag som jag gärna vill dela med mig av. Varsågoda, intressanta delar av några SSRI:s molekylstrukturer:
Fluoxetin: 3 fluorbindningar på molekylen
Sertralin: 2 klorbindningar
Fluvoxamin: Även här 3 fluorbindningar
Paroxetin: 1 fluorbindning
Fluor, klor… Starka gifter, och detta är vad miljoner människor tar till frukosten. Visserligen inte i toxiska doser, men det är ändå gifter. Intressant är det nu när det kommit fram att antidepressiva medel ju inte fungerar på de som inte är svårt deprimerade- räkna med att medlen sätter fräs på kroppen, men hur då, egenligen? Det oroar mig…
Svar till ovanstående kommentar!
Jag tror på helt drogfria alternativa lösningar för människor som har mentala problem. Speciellt som psykiatrin inte kan säga vad en depression är, hur den uppkommer eller varför den uppkommer.
Jag har skrivit om alternativa lösningar i mina artiklar!
Hej! Jag har sedan min barndom varit väldigt orolig och lätt fått ångest. Detta förstärktes då jag fått mina barn. Jag höll på att gå under isen totalt. Jag ville inte äta ”piller” jag ville lära mig må bra utan medicin. Men då läget blev så kritiskt att jag inte längre ville vara med så fick jag medicin. För mig blev mörkret ljusare och jag började sakta leva igen.
För mig har valet varit självklart, jag mår bättre och orkar ta hand om mina barn och vill aldrig tillbaks dit jag var. Men visst är det jätte tufft att läsa dessa artiklar, för det får ju mig att tvivla. Valde jag bara den lätta vägen? Trots att jag vet att jag kämpat tills jag faktiskt inte orkat mer.
Och lyckopiller är ett namn jag helst inte använder, jag är inte överlycklig. Men jag lever ett drägligt liv och går inte längre i mörker.
Tack för din kommentar på min hemsida.
Jag har full förståelse och all respekt för det du skriver. Livet är inte alltid lätt.
Det enda jag vill är att lyfta fram och erbjuda alternativ till dessa olika psykdroger.
Det finns alternativ! Och det borde forskas fram och erbjudas fler drogfria alternativ!
Jag tycker inte att någon skall tjäna pengar på människors olycka.
Se denna färska artikel i läkartidningen!
I slutet på denna artikel har jag samlat en del värdefulla råd och tips:
En bra artikel om rätt kost:
Se även dessa artiklar:
Eller dessa:
Vill du prata med någon och rådgöra per telefon?
Du kan då ringa en kunnig och god vän till mig
Bengt A: 0737- 083780
-Här finns intressanta artiklar om självförbättring:
Lycka till vidare!
Tack för ditt svar!
HÅLLER MED TILL 10000000 % det handlar om PENGAR som dom korumperade läkemedelsföretagen vill ha . ANTIDEP. L-U-R-A- bara hjärnan .
Instämmer till 100%
Det enda som blivit ”bättre” är hur kvacksalvarna gör reklam för sina helvetesbrygder.
Det är pengar det handlar om inget annat!